5 Tips to Help Manage Eczema

At JSHealth Vitamins, we believe that beautiful skin comes in all forms. The goal is never to strive for “perfect” skin, However, certain skin conditions such as eczema, aninflammatory skin condition that generally appears early in life, can cause discomfort. Eczema is a condition that can come and go periodically. It is characterized by dry skin, itchiness and redness. This inflammatory condition can be incredibly frustrating, painful and is often difficult to treat. 

There is no single cure for eczema, but there are a number of things you can do to help live with this condition and potentially reduce the frequency of flare-ups. Eczema is a common condition that can be managed with lifestyle practices, including supporting your skin. 

Let’s take a closer look at what eczema is and explore some ways you may be able to support healthier, more resilient skin. 

What Is Eczema?

Eczema is a condition that is best described as an inflammatory disease of the skin. The inflammatory response on the skin causes a number of symptoms that can include localized redness, bumps, dryness, scaly skin and itchiness. The symptoms of eczema tend to occur periodically in flare-ups and can affect many different parts of the body including crevices like the inside of the elbow or knee, the face, hands and neck. 

While there are many types of eczema, the most common forms are atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. These forms of eczema are linked to the skin having a hypersensitive inflammatory reaction. This reaction can be caused by something as simple as a detergent or an allergen or by something more atypical like a cold environment. 

Additionally, there is a prevalent belief that a Vitamin D deficiency is linked to higher rates of eczema, and taking supplements may help support significant improvements in skin health. Each person's eczema is slightly different and typically involves a mix of genetic and environmental factors. 

Another concern aside from the initial atopic eczemarash is that scratching them can result in open sores and scabbing that can be unsightly and open your skin up to potential infection and scarring. To avoid this it is important to seek out a dermatologist or your primary care to get you on a treatment plan to help you deal with eczemaflare-ups. 

How Is Eczema Managed?

Eczema tends to be a lifelong condition, with a tendency to re-occur when the skin is exposed to certain irritants. Treatment and management of eczema can involve both medication and optimal skin health practices.

Typically, those with moderate to severe eczema are prescribed a topical corticosteroid which can help to reduce the inflammation but can have an unintended side effect of worsening eczema when used over long periods of time. This is particularly where taking measures to promote good skin health comes into play. 

5 Ways To Support Healthier Skin

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and its health plays an integral role in your overall wellness. The skin is the first thing people see — it plays an integral role in the temperature regulation of the body, and acts as a first line of defense for the body against injury and disease. 

Taking charge of your skin health by implementing good practices can help your skin glow from the inside out, helping to reduce the risk of eczemaflare-ups. Medications can and do work wonders for those with eczema, but good skin care habits are perhaps equally as important. 

Let’s take a closer look at five specific ways you may be able to support healthy skin. While these steps will not cure eczema and are by no means a substitute for treatments like corticosteroids, they can help to bolster your skin health and make it more resilient. 


The Skin + Digestion formula contains Burdock, which is traditionally used to relieve minor skin eruptions, along with symptoms of mild eczema and dermatitis. It also contains Vitamin B2 and Vitamin C, two nutrients that work to support skin health. Vitamin C maintains connective tissue health, assists with collagen formation, and plays a role in wound healing. Plus, the addition of Zinc may help to relieve the symptoms of acne, pimples, and minor skin eruptions. 


Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for human nutrition. These fats are found in high concentrations in fatty fish and supplements are typically derived from fish oil. The health benefits of fish oil are mainly credited to omega-3 fatty acids. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may alter the development of immune system allergies. If there is an imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 it can result in an increased production of inflammation and cause a shift toward an immune response. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in salmon, mackerel, sardines, walnuts, eggs, chia seeds and flaxseeds.

Getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids through diet alone can be difficult as most people would rather not eat fish on a daily basis. A great way to supplement your diet is to utilize a supplement like triple-strength Fish Oil + formula, which can help to maintain and support skin health. The specialized formula contains some of the most important fatty acids for your body and taking it on a consistent basis can ensure that your body and skin are well-equipped with omega-3s. 


Quercetin is a naturally occurring polyphenol that exerts antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiallergic activity. Polyphenols are compounds found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices which also help to block the activity of the cells that are responsible for releasing histamines during an allergic reaction. Quercetin helps to suppress allergic inflammation and stress. To load up on quercetin-rich foods, make sure to include plenty of dark green leafy veggies, red onion, apples, grapes, cherries, and green tea in your daily balanced diet.

If you need additional assistance with getting quercetin into your diet you may also want to consider getting on a supplement that contains some like Vitamin C+ Formula which contains a 10mg equivalent of quercetin.


Our 4-Step Vitamin Skincare System is likely to help with improving the comfort and appearance of dry, red and itchy skin, such as is characteristic of eczema. This is because our entire range has been formulated to preserve and reinforce the skin barrier, which is essential for healthy skin. Many skin conditions, such as eczema, can be related to a poorly functioning skin barrier. The skincare contains high levels of natural oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants which all help to protect and repair the skin barrier. 

Our signature JSH-V7™ Complex infused into the formulas contains Vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble, essential nutrient that is useful for eczema and exerts antioxidant activity. The human body cannot produce this, so our skin relies on oral or topical use.

Also included in the 4-Step Vitamin Skincare System is the Probiotic Vitamin Moisturizer which can help to lock in moisture and help with reestablishing a healthy skin barrier. The moisturizer contains lactobacillus ferment. The probiotic acts similarly to a probiotic supplement but it is applied topically which helps to support a healthy microbiome of the skin. 


Supporting your skin isn’t just about the products you utilize but it also has to do with how you perform the entire routine and how often you are doing it. For individuals with eczema, it is important to keep the skin hydrated and protected and your skin's natural oils do an incredible job of doing just that. 

A good skincare routine for individuals with eczema should be done frequently enough to help reduce the buildup of dead skin and oils on the face which can cause acne but not frequently enough to cause your skin to become dried out. Reach for gentle products, and avoid the use of artificial fragrances as these can be a trigger for some with sensitive skin. 

A great tip to help lock in moisture is to try and get your skincare routine done after getting out of the shower. After showering, your skin will hold on to some moisture from the water and locking it in with a serum and moisturizer can help to keep your skin hydrated and protected to reduce dryness that can aggravate eczema symptoms. 

The Bottom Line

Eczema can be a difficult condition to deal with on a consistent basis and depending on the severity of eczema, it can pose a real problem to your overall quality of life. One of the best things you can do aside from getting definitive care from a healthcare professional to treat eczema is to try and support your skin. 

Taking charge of your skin health requires much more conscious effort than what most people think. To have healthy skin, you not only need to practice good skincare procedures, and utilize the right topical products, but it is also important to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to support the skin from the inside out. 

JSHealth Vitamins is well-equipped to help you on your skincare journey with our high-quality dietary supplements that utilize premium ingredients tailored to help your skin. Whether you need vitamin D supplements, vitamin Asupplements, or skin care products with anti-inflammatory properties we have you covered. 


  1. Gupta M, Mahajan V, Mehta K, Chauhan P. Zinc Therapy in Dermatology: A Review. Dermatology Research and Practice. 2014;2014:1-11.
  2. Weng Z, Zhang B, Asadi S, Sismanopoulos N, Butcher A, Fu X et al. Quercetin Is More Effective than Cromolyn in Blocking Human Mast Cell Cytokine Release and Inhibits Contact Dermatitis and Photosensitivity in Humans. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(3):e33805.
  3. Faghihi G, Jaffary F, Mokhtarian A, Hosseini S. Effects of oral vitamin E on treatment of atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2015;20(11):1053.
  4. Tsoureli-Nikita E, Hercogova J, Lotti T, Menchini G. Evaluation of dietary intake of vitamin E in the treatment of atopic dermatitis: a study of the clinical course and evaluation of the immunoglobulin E serum levels. International Journal of Dermatology. 2002;41(3):146-150.
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As always, when it comes to skin conditions it’s important to work with a health professional or dermatologist to determine an appropriate treatment plan for you. With supplements, always read the label and follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.

If you do suffer from eczema, avoid applying skincare directly on broken skin and always do a patch test first to ensure full compatibility before using on a larger area.