How Much Fish Oil Should I Take Daily?

So, you’re on a mission to live a healthier, balanced lifestyle — we hear you! But what exactly does that mean? It’s common to think that exercise and strict diets are the keys to living a healthy life. 

While exercise is undoubtedly good for your overall health, and while certain diets can help you lose weight, they may not provide you with the nutrition your body needs to thrive. Nutrition is a crucial component of overall health, yet it often gets overlooked in the pursuit of wellness. 

Most people are aware of vitamins and minerals and their importance to your overall health, but other nutrients pose a health benefit when consumed regularly. Fish oil, a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, is an important nutrient that can pose many health benefits when consumed regularly. 

Let’s take a closer look at all that fish oil has to offer. From what it is and the different kinds of omega-3s, to the benefits of taking it and how much you should take — we’ll help you get up close and personal with this incredible supplement.

What Is Fish Oil?

Fish oil is an oil that is obtained from the tissues of fish. More specifically, this oil is taken from fatty fish like mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna, salmon and anchovies. 

Aside from oily fish, other marine sources like krill oil and mussel oil exist, which contain a similar composition to that of fish oil. Also, organ meat from fish may be used, as is the case with cod liver oil. 

Fish oil is commonly found in the form of fish oil supplements, and it helps supplement your diet with omega-3. As an omega-3 supplement, fish oil contains a high amount of EPA and DHA, which are the forms of omega-3 your body can use. 

Types of Omega-3

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that your body cannot produce on its own. As a result, providing your body with enough omega-3 is dependent on the food sources you digest and the supplements you take. 

Omega-3s can be further broken down into three different forms: DHA, EPA, and ALA. Below is a closer look at each type of omega-3 and everything you need to know about them. 


DHA, also known as docosahexaenoic acid, is a form of omega-3 found in relatively high amounts from fish sources. DHA is most well known for its support in brain function and brain development, but it plays several other important roles within the body, like helping to establish a healthy level of cholesterol. 


EPA, also known as eicosapentaenoic acid, is another form of omega-3 found in relatively high concentrations from fish sources. EPA is another commonly supplemented form of omega-3, and it poses several benefits to the body, including supporting the body’s natural fight against chronic inflammation


ALA, also known as alpha-linolenic acid, is another form of omega-3 that is unique because it is mainly found in plant sources. Some food sources include walnuts, flaxseed and seed oils. 

ALA is a precursor molecule to both EPA and DHA, but the human body does not convert this molecule readily. By itself, ALA mainly functions as any other fatty acid. This is the main reason why ALA is seldom included in omega-3 supplements. 

What Are the Benefits of Fish Oil?

Fish oil supplements are an excellent source of DHA and EPA. Taking these supplements ensures you get your optimaldaily dose of omega-3 to support your body. By consistently taking these supplements, you can reap many benefits for your overall health. Here’s a closer look at what those benefits are: 

Support Heart Health

The heart and cardiovascular system act as highway transport systems for all the nutrients and materials the tissues of your body need to function optimally. While the circulatory system is immensely capable, many things can cause it to work less effectively. 

High cholesterol is a common condition that can cause issues with the cardiovascular system and heart over time. Over time bad cholesterol, also known as Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), can accumulate in your arteries as plaque and cause the vessels to narrow and harden, leading to a condition known as atherosclerosis. 

Over time this buildup can contribute to high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and a general decline in cardiovascular health. Omega-3 fats can support heart health by helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fats can help support healthy triglyceride levels

Supports Brain Function

The brain is the control center of the body, and it works thanks to an interconnected web of neurons. The brain constantly has neurons firing, and all of this neural processing is what enables consciousness, the ability to move and the brain to coordinate many actions within the body simultaneously. 

Omega-3 has been shown to have neuroprotective properties, which are incredibly important as you age. In addition to supporting the brain, DHA plays an important role in the development of the brain. 

Supports a Healthy Inflammatory Response

Inflammation is a natural bodily response that kickstarts the immune response and healing process. When a tissue is injured or damaged, it initiates the inflammatory response by releasing histamine. Histamine sets off a signaling cascade that increases blood flow to the area and the tissue's permeability to fluid. 

While inflammation is advantageous, it can also become maladaptive if it becomes chronic in nature. Inflammation has side effects, including pain, and can even damage tissue if it goes on for too long. 

Omega-3 has been shown to support the body through chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis

How Should You Take Fish Oil?

Fish oil supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are fat-soluble nutrients. Unlike water-soluble nutrients, fat-soluble nutrients need to be consumed with other fats to be absorbed properly. 

That said, it is best to take fish oil supplements during or following a meal containing other fats. Taking omega-3 supplements alongside other dietary fats increases its bioavailability, according to a 2019 study

How Much Fish Oil Should You Take?

If you want to try and incorporate omega-3 into your diet, the American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fatty fish per week. While this is certainly achievable, it may not be ideal — considering supplementation may be a good idea. 

Fish oil dosage depends on a number of factors, including your age, weight, health status and your current dietaryintake of omega-3 fats. The recommended amount of omega-3 is about 1-1.6 grams of DHA and EPA combined, but the FDA recommends no more than 3 grams of omega-3 per day. How this translates to the amount of fish oil depends on the potency and concentration of the supplement. 

For our Fish Oil Formula, we recommend taking one to three capsules daily with meals to meet your daily requirement and support your body unless otherwise stated by your primary care provider. Before starting, consult your healthcare provider to ensure fish oil is right for you. 

Other Supplements to Consider Taking Daily

Omega-3 is an important nutrient but not the only supplement a healthy adult may need to maintain their nutrition. Let's dive into other high-quality supplements that you may want to consider for your wellness journey. 

Detox + Debloat

Created to provide comfort and confidence, our global best-selling formula Detox + Debloat combines Milk Thistle, Fennel Seed and Turmeric to relieve abdominal bloating, plus support natural body detoxification processes based on traditional use.  


In summary, fish oil is a great supplement to take to meet your daily requirement of DHA and EPAomega-3 fatty acids. The recommended daily intake of omega-3 is 1.1-1.6 grams per day. This can be achieved by eating two servings of fatty fish a week, according to the AHA but will require supplementing fish oil supplements one to three capsules per day. 


Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids | American Heart Association

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Effects on Inflammatory Biomarkers and Lipid Profiles among Diabetic and Cardiovascular Disease Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Scientific Reports

Role of EPA in Inflammation: Mechanisms, Effects, and Clinical Relevance - PMC.

Omega-3 fats - Good for your heart | MedlinePlus

Brain Health across the Lifespan: A Systematic Review on the Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements | NCBI 

The Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Rheumatoid Arthritis | NCBI 

Strategies to improve bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids from ethyl ester concentrates

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - StatPearls | NCBI