3 Vitamins To Boost Libido + Sex Drive Naturally

Your intimate health is an important aspect of your overall wellbeing. Thriving sexual health means that your reproductive system is in good working order, andyou have a fulfilling sex life that meets your needs.

The sexual response is more complex than people realize, and it can be frustrating when your want for intimacy doesn’t match your innate sexual desire. Low libido is a common issue in the realm of sexual health, and below is a closer look at everything you need to know about sexual health. 

We will look at common problems, how they are treated, and ways you can support your sexual health. 

Types of Sexual Dysfunction 

There are many problems that exist in terms of sexual health. Some people may have a lowered desire to have sex, while others may find it hard to physically engage in sex due to a lack of a physiological response. 

Problems associated with sexual health can be broken down into four distinct categories. These categories are broadly defined as problems involving a lack of desire, a lack of physiological arousal, issues surrounding orgasm, and pain. 

Below is a more detailed look at these issues and what they entail. 

Problems Revolving Around Desire

Libido refers to the natural desire and drive to have sex or engage in sexual activity. A low sex drive is one of the most common sexual problems that individuals face revolving around sex. It can be frustrating and sometimes even contribute to strain in relationships. 

The desire to engage in sex is controlled by many factors, including sex hormones, mental health, your existing relationship with sex and intimacy, and your overall health. A problem involving any of these factors can result in a reduced sex drive. 

One of the most common causes of a drop in libido is a drop in the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen with age. These hormones control many aspects of sexual health, including the desire for sex. Estrogen levels fall when women enter menopause, and testosterone levels can tend to decline with age in men. 

Lack of Arousal

A lack of arousal refers to the mismatch between your desire for sex and your ability to perform sexually. In men, this is most commonly seen with erectile dysfunction but can also be seen in women who experience vaginal dryness even though they want to engage in sexual acts. 

A lack of arousal can be caused by many different factors. In the case of erectile dysfunction, it can be caused by poor blood circulation, reducing the blood flow to the penis necessary to achieve an erection. Psychological causes can also cause the inability to attain or maintain an erection. 

Problems Surrounding Orgasm

Problems with orgasm can include difficulty reaching climax and prematurely reaching climax. Over time, these issues can become frustrating if you or your partner are not getting what you want out of your sexual experience. 

Issues like premature ejaculation or orgasm and anorgasmia fall into this category. Orgasm isn’t necessarily needed to have a fulfilling sex life, but it does release natural endorphins and neurotransmitters like oxytocin and dopamine that can enhance the experience. 

Pain During Sex

Another issue that can be quite disruptive to an otherwise healthy sex life is pain associated with sex. Sex shouldn’t be something that is painful, and a number of conditions can contribute to pain during sex. 

How Are Sexual Health Issues Addressed?

Issues surrounding sex are often ignored, but they should be treated as any other health concern. They should be brought to the attention of your healthcare provider. Problems revolving around sex can start impacting your overall wellness, mental health, and interpersonal relationships if not addressed. 

Many issues revolving around sex have available treatment options to help lessen their impact and potentially improve your sexual health. Below is a closer look at some of the ways that a healthcare provider may address sexual issues to restore optimal sexual function. 


It is no secret that sex and your desire to have it are closely tied to your mental health. Psychological causes of sexual issues are quite common, and therapy can be an effective means of treating these issues. 


Medications are by far one of the most common treatments for sexual dysfunction. Medications can include erectile dysfunction medications like sildenafil (Viagra) and hormone treatments that can include the administration of testosterone, progesterone, or estrogen. 

These medications should only be given under the direct order of your physician as medications like sildenafil can cause your blood vessels to relax and, if taken alongside other medications, could cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure. 

Medical Intervention

Some issues revolving around sex may not be effectively treated with less invasive medication or therapy and require medical intervention to resolve. One example is some forms of erectile dysfunction that may require surgery or an implant to resolve. 

Medical interventions like surgery tend to be left as a last resort, but they can be an effective means of allowing an individual to have a happy and healthy sex life. 

Lifestyle Modification

Your sexual health and physical health are more closely associated than you would think. Conditions that impact your cardiovascular system and overall health can have a direct impact on your sexual performance and health. 

Adopting a healthier lifestyle that involves eating a more well-rounded diet and getting more physical activity can help with sexual issues that are physiological in nature. 

Vitamins, Nutrients, and Supplements To Support Sexual Health

Sexual dysfunction can pose a significant issue to your overall wellness, but fortunately, many of them are treatable with the treatments outlined above. Another way that you can support your sexual health is through supplements and proper nutrition. 

Below is a closer look at some of the best supplements that may be able to support your sexual health. Remember to always speak with a healthcare provider about potential side effects before incorporating any new supplement into your routine.

1. Tribulus

Tribulus terrestrisis a plant with long-standing use in traditional medicinal practices such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic practices in India. The plant has many proposed benefits, but the one most significant for sexual health is that it can support a healthy sex drive.

Our Libido+ supplement contains Tribulus for this very reason. The formulation has been carefully crafted with ingredients to help support the body and specifically support healthy sexual function and a healthy libido. 

These ingredients are by no means a substitute for traditional treatments, but they may be used in a complementary capacity to help support your sexual health by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. 

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is one of many essential minerals that the body needs to consume on a regular basis. Magnesium is used as a structural subunit in many enzymes throughout the body to help carry out a number of biochemical reactions. 

Magnesium is involved in the metabolism of nitric oxide, which plays an important role in sexual functioning, like attaining an erection. Taking a supplement with magnesium can ensure that levels are adequate and not low enough to manifest as a sexual issue. 

Magnesium also plays an important role in supporting energy and muscular health. All of these functions of magnesium make it a worthwhile mineral to include in your daily routine. Our Advanced Magnesium+ supplement makes this easy to do. 

3. Ginseng

Ginseng, also referred to as Panax ginseng, is a mainstay in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. The root has several proposed benefits in alternative medicinal practices, one of which is that it helps support your sexual health. 


Sexual health is all too often overlooked but plays an important role in your overall wellbeing. Addressing your concerns regarding your sexual health with your healthcare provider is the best way to get them addressed and treated. 

If you are looking for natural ways to help support your sexual health, JSHealth has you covered with vitamins, minerals, and supplements to provide your body with the nutritional support it needs and deserves. 


Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders: Treatment, Symptoms & Diagnosis | Cleveland Clinic

A Comprehensive Review of the Phytochemical, Pharmacological, and Toxicological Properties of Tribulus terrestris L. | NCBI

The impact of hypomagnesemia on erectile dysfunction in elderly, non-diabetic, stage 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease patients: a prospective cross-sectional study | NCBI 

Ginseng and male reproductive function | NCBI