When Is the Best Time To Take Prebiotics for Gut Health?

Enter the health and wellness word, and you will find gut health on everyone’s mind. Scientific research is beginning to understand just how important a healthy gut and digestive system is for full-body wellness — it can have a big impact on your immune system, mood, and much more.

While there are many factors involved in creating a healthy environment for your gut, probiotics have gained most of the attention over the last few decades. These specific strains of beneficial bacteria can be found in some foods and in a wide array of supplements

What’s often left out of the gut health conversation, however, is the natural counterpart to probiotics: “prebiotics.” In this article, we’ll explain what prebiotics are, their potential health benefits and a few tips for taking them.

What Is the Gut Microbiome?

First, let's explore the fascinating world within our bellies: the gut microbiome. This is the complex network of microorganisms, often referred to as gut flora, that reside within our digestive tract. 

From our mouth all the way down to the large intestine, trillions of microbes — including beneficial bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms — make their home. The work they do there to keep our gut environment thriving and healthy is astounding.

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in our overall health. It assists in breaking down the food we consume, absorbing nutrients, supporting our immune system, and maintaining a balanced gut environment. 

The key to its efficiency lies in the balance of “good bacteria” (such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) and the “bad bacteria” that causes digestive issues. These microscopic helpers need to be well-nourished and abundant to perform their tasks effectively, which is where prebiotics come into play.

What Are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are special types of dietary fiber that serve as nourishment for these beneficial bacteria in our gut. Think of it this way: if the good bacteria are the performers on a stage, prebiotics are the backstage crew that keeps the show running smoothly. They help these friendly bacteria thrive and multiply, contributing to a healthy gut environment.

Prebiotics can be found naturally in many foods we consume, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, or kefir, bananas, yams, asparagus, and certain roots. Consuming a varied, balanced diet rich in whole foods can provide an excellent source of these prebiotic fibers. However, the fast pace of life and diet preferences can sometimes make it challenging to get sufficient prebiotics from meals alone.

At JSHealth, we firmly believe in the power of high-quality dietary supplements as a beautiful addition to a well-balanced diet. They play a crucial role in nurturing and supporting your gut health. 

We understand the importance of taking care of your body from the inside out, and these nourishing supplements can be a wonderful ally on your journey towards optimal wellbeing.

What Are the Health Benefits of Prebiotics?

It’s important to remember that prebiotics and probiotics are two completely different entities. The various probiotic strains residing in your microbiome are living organisms. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are not living and only exist to enhance the effects of probiotics as they battle harmful bacteria. 

With that being said, here are a few of the potential health benefits of taking prebiotics: 

Prebiotics May Support Overall Metabolic Health

One of the central areas where prebiotics play a starring role is in supporting our overall metabolic health. They nourish the good bacteria in our gut, thereby maintaining the balance of gut bacteria. In doing so, they assist in the efficient breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients — key aspects of metabolic health.

Prebiotics Can Have a Soothing Effect

Prebiotics have also been suggested to have a soothing effect on the digestive system. These fibers can improve gut motility, potentially reducing discomfort associated with bloating and constipation. Research shows that their regular consumption may support a smooth, regulated digestive process, adding to our daily comfort and wellbeing.

Prebiotics Can Support Blood Sugar

Another potential benefit of prebiotics is their role in supporting blood sugar levels. By aiding in the breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients, they can help support healthy blood sugar levels. The breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simple sugars is a task handled by our gut bacteria and keeping them well-fed with prebiotics could support this process.

Prebiotics May Support Weight Management

In terms of weight management, prebiotics may play a supportive role as well. By maintaining a healthy gut environment, they can influence our body's response to the nutrients we consume. Some studies suggest that prebiotics can contribute to feelings of fullness, which may help us maintain balanced eating habits.

When Is the Best Time of Day To Take Prebiotics for Gut Health?

Now that we’ve covered some of the potential benefits of taking prebiotics, we can get into the questions of when and how. The answer to these questions, like many aspects of health and wellness, can vary depending on individual needs and circumstances. 

However, we've gathered some general guidelines to help you optimize the benefits of your prebiotics:

1. Be Consistent

The first rule of thumb is to be consistent. Creating a routine helps to nourish your gut bacteria regularly, ensuring that the beneficial bacteria are well-fed and able to perform their many roles efficiently. This consistency can be tailored to your personal routine, whether that's taking your prebiotics first thing in the morning, at mealtime, or in the evening.

2. Take Prebiotics and Probiotics Together

Next, consider taking your prebiotics and probiotics together. Since prebiotics serve as food for probiotics, consuming them together can boost the survival rates of the probiotic bacteria as they navigate the acidic environment of your stomach. The pairing can lead to a more effective colonization of your gastrointestinal tract by these healthy bacteria. 

Research suggests that combining prebiotics and probiotics can enhance the survival of these beneficial bacteria as they travel through the stomach acid and enzymes to reach the small intestine. This combination, often referred to as a symbiotic, may boost the colony forming units (CFU) of bacteria in the gut, amplifying the benefits of probiotics.

3. Don’t Take Prebiotics at the Same Time as Medication

Another important guideline is to avoid taking prebiotics at the same time as medication. Some medications might interfere with prebiotics, impacting their absorption or effectiveness. As always, consult with your healthcare provider to understand any potential interactions.

4. Some May Want To Take Prebiotics Before Bed

For some people, taking prebiotics before bed might be beneficial. While there's ongoing research about optimal timing, some studies suggest that the gut's microorganisms are slightly more active during sleep. Therefore, feeding them before bedtime might be advantageous. Naturally, if you find that it causes digestive discomfort or side effects, it may be best to adjust your timing.

5. Always Listen to Your Body

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, always listen to your body. Just as our gut bacteria are unique to us, so too is our body's response to prebiotics. If you notice any changes in your digestive health, such as new constipation or bloating, it might indicate that you need to adjust your prebiotic intake. 

Working with a dietitian or healthcare provider can help you fine-tune your regimen. As always, for guidance based on your specific health conditions, consult your healthcare provider. The road to digestive health is unique and personal for everyone, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

The Bottom Line

Maintaining a thriving gut microbiome is a key component of overall health and wellness with prebiotics playing a vital role in this process. These dietary fibers act as nourishment for the beneficial bacteria in our gut, encouraging their growth and supporting a balanced gut environment. Consuming prebiotics regularly can potentially benefit your metabolic health, digestive comfort, blood sugar support, and weight management.

However, determining the best time to take prebiotics can be a personal journey, guided by factors such as your daily routine, medication schedule, and individual health conditions. As always, listening to your body and consulting with a healthcare provider is key when integrating new supplements into your routine.

At JSHealth, we are dedicated to making this journey easier for you. We believe that a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise and high-quality dietary supplements can support your gut health. Consider our Probiotic supplement, nutritionist formulated with a range of beneficial bacteria to support your gut health. 

Our probiotic capsule is specifically formulated to support healthy digestive system function, maintain beneficial intestinal flora and support healthy immune system function. Remember, a nourished gut is the foundation of a healthy body. 


Impacts of Gut Bacteria on Human Health and Diseases | PMC

The Microbiome | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Prebiotics: Definition, Types, Sources, Mechanisms, and Clinical Applications | PMC

Introduction to the Human Gut Microbiota | PMC

Probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium Strains Possess Safety Characteristics, Antiviral Activities and Host Adherence Factors Revealed by Genome Mining | PMC

Fiber and Prebiotics: Mechanisms and Health Benefits | PMC

Prevalence of Optimal Metabolic Health in American Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009-2016 | NCBI Bookshelf

Effect of Probiotics on Glycemic Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials | PMC

Gut Microbiota Fermentation of Prebiotics Increases Satietogenic and Incretin Gut Peptide Production With Consequences for Appetite Sensation and Glucose Response After a Meal | NCBI Bookshelf

Colony Forming Unit | ScienceDirect Topics