Bloating Relief: Natural Remedies To Soothe Your Tummy Troubles

It's a feeling many of us know all too well – that uncomfortable, swollen feeling in your belly known as bloating. A common issue, bloating can throw off our day, make our clothes feel tight, and sometimes even lead to discomfort. 

The good news? Understanding the common causes of bloating can better support your body in maintaining its delicate equilibrium. Let’s take a deep dive into the most common questions surrounding bloating. 

What Are Common Culprits of Bloating? 

Your journey to understanding bloating starts by uncovering its most common triggers.


You know those carbs that like to play hard to get digested? These common bloating culprits are Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols, also known as FODMAPS.

Found in foods like wheat, rye, onions, and legumes, FODMAPs are types of carbohydrates that can be hard for the body to break down and absorb. 

When your body has difficulty digesting these foods, they can ferment in the large intestine, leading to gas production, indigestion, and a bloated feeling. So, if you want to stay in sync with your digestion, understanding how your body handles FODMAPs is key.

Gluten and Dairy

For individuals with sensitivities or intolerances, the consumption of gluten — a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley — or dairy can trigger an immune response, leading to bloating or gas pain. 

It's worth noting that reactions can vary greatly from person to person. If you often feel discomfort after consuming these foods, it might be worth exploring with your healthcare provider or a nutrition professional.

Sweeteners and Fructose

Whether they're lurking in your favorite snacks or hiding behind those "sugar-free" labels, sweeteners (natural or artificial) and fructose can wreak havoc on your belly. 

Your bodies may occasionally have difficulty absorbing these substances, especially in larger quantities. When they reach the large intestine, they can cause water to be drawn into the bowel, leading to gas, bloating, and sometimes even diarrhea. 

Moderating the consumption of these gassy sweet foods might help relieve your bloating discomfort.

Carbonated Drinks

Let's talk about those fizzy friends. While the bubbly goodness can be delightfully refreshing, they also come with a catch — they can contribute to a bloated belly. 

When we consume these carbonated drinks, we're also swallowing gas, which can accumulate in the digestive tract, resulting in bloating. Even though a cold selzer might be refreshing, consider a non-carbonated option if you are dealing with regular bloating.

Lack of Physical Activity

Here's a gentle reminder: your body loves it when you get up and move! Physical activity not only does wonders for your overall health and plays a critical role in your digestion. 

Lack of movement can slow the digestive process, allowing intestinal gas to build up, leading to bloating. Incorporating regular, moderate physical activity into your routine can help stimulate your digestive system and prevent bloating.

Chewing Gum

Surprising as it may seem, that innocent gum-chewing habit might be playing tricks on your tummy. 

This is because when you chew gum, you tend to swallow air, accumulating in your digestive tract and leading to bloating. If you're a habitual gum-chewer and are experiencing bloating, it may be worth considering scaling back.

Hormone Changes

Hormonal changes, especially during certain menstrual cycle phases, can also contribute to bloating. Fluctuations in hormones can cause water retention, leading to a feeling of puffiness and swelling, which can contribute to bloating. 

It's important to recognize that these hormonal effects can vary from person to person and throughout different stages of life. Taking care of your overall well-being, including managing stress levels and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, can help ease bloating discomfort associated with hormonal changes.

What Is the Role of Digestive Health in Bloating?

This complex system breaks down food, absorbs nutrients and expels waste. When this process is disrupted, it can lead to bloating.

Central to this process is Gut Health. A balanced GI Tract with various good bacteria aids efficient food breakdown, reducing the chance of bloating. 

Probiotics and prebiotics, which maintain a healthy gut environment, are pivotal here. Probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria, while prebiotics, found in foods like bananas, nourish these bacteria.

Also crucial are your digestive enzymes. Produced by your body, these enzymes help break down food into nutrients, supporting our digestive system and managing abdominal bloating.

Understanding these facets of digestive health can empower us to explore natural remedies for bloating.

What Are Natural Remedies for Bloating?

Once we recognize the potential triggers of bloating, we can explore the realm of natural remedies designed to better support our bodies in maintaining balance.

GI Tract-Friendly Foods

The first step to supporting our bodies in maintaining digestive balance can often be found right on our plates.

Incorporating fiber-rich foods such as lentils, broccoli or chia seeds can help our digestive systems function optimally, as they promote regular bowel movements, support gut health and aid in the prevention of digestive issues.

On the other hand, reducing the intake of dairy products may benefit those sensitive to lactose, preventing the fermentation that leads to gas and bloating. 

Additionally, maintaining a balanced intake of carbohydrates can prevent overloading our digestive system, making it easier for our bodies to process the food we consume.

Stay Hydrated

Easing bloating discomfort could be as simple as reaching for a glass of water. Hydration plays a key role in digestion, helping break down food so your body can absorb the nutrients. Water also helps maintain the balance of electrolytes in our bodies. 

So go ahead and replenish that reusable bottle, and keep it close as a reminder to drink plenty of water! This simple yet often overlooked solution can make a significant difference in preventing and managing bloating.

Physical Activity

Physical activity isn't just good for our hearts but also our guts. A gentle post-meal walk, a yoga session, or regular exercise can stimulate our digestive systems.

Yoga can work wonders for releasing trapped gas and easing discomfort related to bloating. Certain yoga poses, such as the "Child's Pose" and "Happy Baby Pose,” can help with flatulence by encouraging the release of excess gas from the digestive system, providing added support in managing bloat and keeping the tummy comfortable.

Ultimately, moving our bodies can help speed up digestion by stimulating the muscles in the gut, which can reduce bloating and help us feel better overall.

Potassium-Rich Foods

Incorporating more potassium-rich foods like bananas, avocados, and sweet potatoes into your diet can help manage water retention, a common contributor to belly bloat. 

Potassium works to counteract the bloating effects of sodium, helping maintain a balanced level of fluids in our bodies. By including more of these foods in our diets, we can better support our bodies in maintaining balance.

Herbal Allies

In the world of herbs, Peppermint oil and Fennel seeds have long been recognized in the world of herbs for their soothing effects on a bloated belly. Fennel, in particular, has been recognized for its potential to support digestive health, so it proudly takes place in our best-selling Detox + Debloat tablets.

The Fennel Seed in this nutritionist formulated supplement helps to reduce occasional abdominal bloating and flatulence, based on traditional use.

When To Seek Medical Guidance for Bloating 

While it's normal for us to experience bloating occasionally, recurrent or prolonged bloating can sometimes indicate an underlying condition, like lactose intolerance or food Intolerance. If your bloating is persistent and paired with other symptoms such as pain, weight loss, or changes in your bowel habits, it might be time to seek medical guidance. 

Seeking guidance from a doctor or dietitian can help identify these and other conditions, working with you to create a plan that better supports your body. And remember, before adding new supplements into your daily routine, it's always beneficial to check in with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Preventing Bloating: Long-Term Strategies

While immediate strategies are important for the discomfort of a bloated belly, incorporating long-term strategies into your routine can help provide sustainable support. Let's take a closer look at how we can make small but significant changes to our daily routines.

Track Your Triggers

Bloating can often be a sign from our bodies telling us something isn't quite right. Regularly monitoring your dietary habits can help identify potential triggers — helping you pinpoint if it’s that morning coffee, mid-day seltzer, or nightly ice cream contributing to your discomfort. 

By keeping track of what we consume and how we feel afterward, we can better support our bodies in maintaining digestive balance.

Make Moving Enjoyable

Staying active can also help maintain a healthy digestive tract. Whether it's a morning jog, an afternoon yoga session, or an evening dance class, find something you enjoy, and make it a regular part of your routine.

Take Steps to Support Healthy Bowel Habits

And, while often overlooked, good bowel movements are crucial for preventing bloating and promoting overall digestive health. A healthy bowel routine can help prevent excess gas build-up, helping manage bloating. 

If your bowel habits can use a push, consider our Probiotic blend for support. These capsules are intentionally formulated with probiotic strains that may help with occasional constipation, helping to maintain regular bowel movements and a comfortable belly.

Take a Holistic Approach To Wellness

Finally, adopting a balanced lifestyle, in general, can help avoid abdominal discomfort and maintain a healthy digestive system. This includes adequate sleep, stress management and a balanced diet.

Remember, it's about supporting your body, not forcing it into submission. We all have our off days, and that's okay. Even in the face of bloating, showing kindness to ourselves and our bodies is essential. 

With understanding, patience, and positive action, we can find relief and rediscover the joy in our relationship with food and our bodies.

The Bottom Line

Bloating doesn't have to rule your life. With knowledge, self-care, and a holistic approach to wellness, you can soothe your tummy troubles and enjoy a healthier relationship with your body. 

Remember, JSHealth is here to support you on this journey. For more wellness tips and holistic support, we invite you to visit our blog and explore our curated collection of wellness-boosting products. 

Whether you’re finding relief from bloating discomfort or looking for new physical activities to add to your routine, we’re here to support you on your holistic wellness journey.


Low Fodmap Diet: What it Is, Uses & How to Follow | Cleveland Clinic

Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet | Mayo Clinic

The effect of a fennel seed extract on the STAT signaling and intestinal barrier function | Plos One

Role of yoga therapy in improving digestive health and quality of sleep in an elderly population: A randomized controlled trial | PMC

Effects of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics on Human Health | PMC