Founder Jess' 5 Golden Lessons in 5 Years of JSHealth Vitamins

The five year journey that is JSHealth Vitamins so far has brought many valuable lessons. The adventure of starting and growing a business will invite you to uncover extraordinary things about yourself - your capacity, strength and determination as a human being. It will push you to your limits, and challenge you in ways you never imagined. Yet through it all, I believe it strengthens you and teaches you so much. 

I never dreamed everything would unfold the way it has. JSHealth was a passion project that began way before any products existed. It grew from a heartfelt mission and was literally built from the back of our home with a small team of four extraordinary women (who are still with us today!). Then it began as a precious platform helping women have a better relationship with food and their bodies, which remains a strong part of our purpose.

Five years ago, I knew I wanted to bring the Healthy Life to another level for our community by creating formulations that would target areas of wellbeing I could see people were wanting support with. If I am being honest, it felt like an innate calling. This was the birth of JSHealth Vitamins and our first supplements.

I never imagined the business would be where it is today. 

I truly believe it is because of our loyal customers. We started as a community-first brand and that’s what guides us today. That’s why so much attention goes into the ingredients and details of every formula - they are made with utter care for you.

Thank you for being on this journey with us. You keep me going and inspire me, everyday.

Jess x

Lesson 1: We are stronger than we know. 

That is something we will find out through any professional or personal journey. The challenges you will face will prove just how strong you are. Let the challenges come in, and watch how easily you get to the other side - you just might surprise yourself. This strengthens our inner core for life. 

Lesson 2: Do not sacrifice what matters most to you. 

The journey of business will be all encompassing at times and can easily take over. From the beginning, I made a commitment to always put first what matters most - my health, peace, husband and family. If you love your career, it will always be important. But I truly believe it should never take priority over your family and health. Staying grounded is key.

Lesson 3: Setting boundaries is crucial.

Put your boundaries in place with people, business demands and your time. Remember, it’s OK to say no and prioritize self care. Setting boundaries will allow you to keep navigating through the journey. 

Lesson 4: It is all imperfect, so just go with it. 

None of this life is endlessly shiny, perfect or glamorous like you see on social media or in the movies. Let it be messy. It doesn't need to be perfect. It's not meant to be. Actually, that’s the beauty of it. Once we surrender to imperfection, life can flow.

Lesson 5: Never give up. 

You will want to do it many times throughout the journey. Hold tightly onto your heartfelt mission and purpose. Let the waves of challenge come and watch them go. Ride each wave, staying determined through it all. Whatever happens, do not give up. In the end, you will be so grateful that you persevered. Pushing on through the difficult times is how we reap the greatest rewards.