What are Nutritionists and Naturopaths?
Hi beautiful JSHealth family!
We are your passionate Nutritionist and Naturopath team, Kelly and Azura. At the Nourish Hub, we’re here to provide you with general health, dietary and lifestyle advice. Our goal is to help answer all of your nutritional and product related questions and work together to guide you on your journey to optimal health.
So what exactly is the role of a nutritionist or naturopath? When is it a good idea to see one of these health professionals?
Firstly, nutritionists are trained in holistic nutritional therapy. We can help support you with diet, lifestyle and nutrient knowledge. Naturopaths are trained in the same nutritional and lifestyle areas, while also having an in-depth knowledge of herbal medicines.
Nutritionists and naturopaths working in clinics can support people through a number of health concerns, including providing herbal and nutritional supplementation to support you. When we suggest talking to your health professional, this can refer to a doctor or it can also mean a nutritionist or naturopath!
If you are someone that is unsure about whether a nutritionist or naturopath would be suitable to you, send us a message and we may be able to assist you to make an informed decision. It’s always best to have a number of health professionals that you are in contact with such as a general practitioner, naturopath, nutritionist and psychologist, to help you at different times or work together in a multi-practitioner plan, based on your individual needs.
We are always here to chat via the Nourish Hub and look forward to supporting you!
Love Kelly + Azura