What Are the Potential Health Benefits of Zinc Supplements?

Zinc: it’s not just for cold treatments and sunblock! This essential mineral is a key player in maintaining optimal health, yet many of us don’t get enough of it in our diets. Incorporating a high-quality zinc supplement into your daily regimen is an easy way to ensure you’re giving your body the nourishment it needs. 

From supporting your immune system to promoting healthy skin, zinc offers a range of health benefits that are often overlooked. 

We’llbreak down everything you should know about supplementing with Zinc — what it is, what it can do for you, and the best ways to get it into your system.

What Is Zinc?

Zinc falls into a category of nutrients called “essential nutrients.” This means the body can’t produce it or store it in tissues. Unlike vitamin D, which can be synthesized by the body in small amounts when you come into direct contact with the sun, zinc must be obtained through your diet.

Many essential processes in the body require zinc, including:

  • Gene expression
  • Immune system function
  • Protein creation
  • DNA synthesis
  • Natural wound healing
  • Enzyme reactions
  • Growth and development

Zinc is a trace mineral and can be found in several foods, including plant and animal-based products. It’s so integral to the optimal functioning of our bodies that many manufacturers fortify their products with synthetic forms of the mineral. This is especially important because zinc is not naturally found in many of the foods we eat regularly, like breakfast cereals. 

The other primary source of zinc in our diets can be found in supplements.

What Foods Can Zinc Be Found In?

Below is a list of foods that are rich in zinc:

    • Shellfish: oysters, clams and muscles
    • Meats: beef, pork, lamb and bison
    • Poultry: turkey and chicken
    • Fish: flounder, sardines, salmon and sole
    • Legumes: chickpeas, lentil and black beans
    • Nuts and seeds: pumpkin seeds, cashews and hemp seeds
    • Dairy: milk, yogurt and cheese
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains: oats, quinoa and brown rice
  • Some vegetables: mushrooms, kale, peas, asparagus and beet greens

Why Supplement With Zinc?

While zinc is present in some foods and can help prevent deficiency, the specific benefits that we’ll delve into later may require higher levels of intake than what we can consume from our diets alone. Introducing a zinc supplement into your daily routine can help provide the additional nourishment your body needs to experience the full range of health benefits associated with this essential mineral. 

Use caution, though — it is possible to take too much zinc, which can harm your health. Excessive amounts of zinc in your system can lead to copper deficiency or anemia.

It’s always a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider before taking a supplement long term. They can determine if it’s appropriate and safe based on your individual needs.

What Is the Role of Zinc in the Body?

Zinc is used in virtually all areas and systems within the body. It is present in every cell and comes in at the 2nd place slot — after only iron — for the most abundant trace mineral in the body. 

Over 300 different enzymes require zinc for their activity. These enzymes aid in processes such as metabolism, digestion, nerve function and many more.

As you may have guessed by all the cold/cough products that contain zinc, it is also a critical part of immune cell development and function.

Zinc’s impact on the body's growth and development stems from its role in cell growth and division, DNA synthesis and protein production.

A particular enzyme essential for a proper sense of taste and smell also relies heavily on zinc. This is why those with zinc deficiency can experience symptoms of taste loss or smell loss.

What Are the Health Benefits of Zinc?

Let’s look at the ways in which supplementing with zinc may help your body thrive:

It Gives Your Immune System a Boost

Your immune system is a vast network of cells that are in constant communication with each other. Zinc is a major player in immune cell function and cell signaling. Supplementing with the mineral can support immune cells and help combat the effects of environmental stressors.

It Aids In Wound Healing

Due to its involvement in collagen synthesis, immune system function, and inflammatory responses, zinc supports the body in naturally healing wounds. Roughly five percent of your body’s entire zinc content can be found within the skin — higher levels of zinc have been shown to support recovery times.

It May Help Soothe Skin Issues

Blemishes are largely caused by blockage of oil-producing glands, certain types of bacteria, and irritation. Those dealing with skin breakouts usually have lower levels of the mineral, and topical and oral zinc treatments can support healthy skin. Zinc soothes irritation in the skin and calms down oil gland activity.

Can Zinc Help Promote Hair Growth?

Many people are unaware of the huge impact that zinc can also have on hair growth. In those experiencing hair loss conditions like androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium, zinc levels tend to be lower.

That said, you don’t have to be suffering from a condition or have a severe zinc deficiency for your zinc levels to affect hair growth. Not giving your body a rich supply of zinc over longer periods can affect your hair health.

What Role Does Zinc Play in Hair Growth?

As research progresses, the scientific community is gaining a better understanding of the cellular processes that grow hair. It is fairly conclusive now that zinc helps support hair tissue growth and repair. It also aids the oil glands surrounding hair follicles, whose function and efficiency correlate with strong, healthy hair.

Hair shafts are made out of a protein called keratin (keratin can also be found in your skin and nails). For your body to synthesize keratin, it needs zinc — when the supply of zinc in your body decreases, it leaves your hair vulnerable to dryness and breakage.

Immune System Function and Hair Growth

As we explored above, zinc supports your immune system. Is there a link between immune system function and hair growth? Yes. 

Stem cells within hair follicles communicate with the lymphatic system, which is part of your larger immune system. Lowered immune function can keep stem cells from doing their job in hair follicles.

Like many other parts of the body, hair health is not just contingent on one factor; it is influenced by many. So while nutrients like zinc may have a direct impact on the production of hair, they help other important systems that support overall hair health.

JSHealth Hair + Energy Formula

If you are looking for the right zinc supplement to incorporate into your health routine, JSHealth has the perfect option.

Our bestselling Hair + Energy Formula capsules contain a carefully crafted combination of Iodine and Zinc.

Iodine helps support hair's strength and volume, while zinc maintains your skin and supports healthy immune system function.

They are designed for all genders and fit into every type of lifestyle or diet protocol.

Why JSHealth Is Different

Our main objective at JSHealth is to formulate the most effective supplements possible. Our team of highly knowledgeable experts carefully selects every ingredient that goes into all of our products. Each choice is scientifically tested and research-backed.

We want to support your overall well-being and confidence — that means putting quality above all else and never sacrificing to save costs.


Zinc is a trace mineral and “essential nutrient” obtained through diet and supplementation. It is involved in countless biological processes and can immensely impact your overall health.

Although you get an adequate dose of zinc in the foods you eat on a daily basis, supplementation has been shown to come with numerous health benefits, including increased immune system function, reduced levels of inflammation and a boost to hair growth/health.

If you are looking to further improve your hair care routine, you can check out our complete collection of expertly crafted hair supplements, shampoos and conditioners.


Collagen | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Keratin: Protein, Structure, Benefits, Uses & Risks | Cleveland Clinic

Stem cells: What they are and what they do | Mayo Clinic