The Top Foods That Help With Bloating

Feeling a bit bloated? Many of us have experienced that uncomfortable, full-feeling sensation in our stomachs — it's often tied to what we eat and drink. It's essential to remember that while bloating can be inconvenient, the power to support your body often lies in your own hands, particularly with your diet. 

But which foods help to soothe this discomfort, and which ones might contribute to it? Let's unravel this together.

What Dietary Culprits Can Cause Bloating?

Bloating can be a sign that our digestive tract is working overtime. Several factors can contribute to this feeling:

  • FODMAPs: Short for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. These are a group of carbohydrates that are hard for some people to digest. They can create excess gas in your intestine, leading to bloating.
  • Lactose: Found in dairy products, lactose can cause digestive issues, particularly for those with lactose intolerance. It might lead to discomfort and bloating in the stomach.
  • Gluten: This protein, present in wheat, barley, and rye, can cause bloating in people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.
  • Sugar Alcohols: Often used as sugar substitutes, sugar alcohols can cause bloating in some people.

When your gastrointestinal (GI) tract struggles to break down these elements, it can lead to an excess gas buildup, resulting in a bloated feeling. 

How Can Hydration Impact Bloating?

Hydration is a key player in the game of bloating. Water provides a wealth of health benefits within the body, and helping support the digestive tract is one of them. 

Staying hydrated helps keep your digestive system running smoothly and can relieve constipation, one of the common contributors to bloating. However, balance is crucial — while dehydration can slow digestion and cause bloating, an overabundance of water can lead to water retention, another bloating culprit.

One way to support a healthy balance in your body is by consuming foods with high water content. Foods like cucumbers and watermelon help with hydration and act as natural diuretics, helping your body release excess water.

Understanding the role of diet in managing bloating can empower us to make more informed choices, supporting our bodies on the path to wellness. 

Prioritizing Balance: How Nutrition Impacts Bloating

Our food choices can directly influence how we feel throughout the day, especially when it comes to bloating. For instance, becoming aware of our daily Potassium intake or Sodium levels can play a vital role in managing bloating. 

A high-Sodium diet may cause your body to retain water, leading to bloating. On the other hand, foods rich in Potassium can counteract Sodium's effects and may help maintain a healthier body balance.

Furthermore, the balance of Probiotics and Prebiotics in our diet is crucial for our digestive health. Probiotics are the good bacteria that support a healthy gut, while Prebiotics are the “food” for these gut bacteria, promoting their growth. Onions, garlic, and bananas are all great sources of Prebiotics that can further nourish our guts. 

Dietary fiber also deserves special attention. It aids in regular bowel movements, potentially relieving constipation, a common bloating trigger. However, it's important to remember that sudden increases in fiber intake can cause gas and bloating. Therefore, gradual increases and maintaining hydration are key when upping fiber intake.

How Do Enzymes Affect Bloating?

When we talk about gut health, digestive enzymes have a starring role. Enzymes like Bromelain and Papain, found naturally in certain foods, help break down food in the GI tract, making digestion easier and possibly alleviating discomfort from bloating.

Pineapple is a popular source of Bromelain, while Papain is often found in Papayas. Including these fruits in your diet can help your body better manage food breakdown, offering some relief from bloating.

What Are the Best Foods for Bloating?

You may be surprised to learn that the secret to managing bloating may lie in your kitchen! Let's take a closer look at how these eight foods could better support your digestive system and help maintain a healthy GI tract.

1. Avocados

Avocados, often considered a superfood, have much more to offer than their rich, creamy texture. They're packed with Potassium, a mineral known to help balance fluid levels in our body and offset bloating. 

Avocados also contain plenty of fiber, further aiding digestion. Whether you enjoy them sliced on whole grain toast, diced in salads, or as a creamy addition to your morning smoothie, avocados are a delightful way to support your digestive health.

2. Blueberries

Don't be deceived by their tiny size. Blueberries are filled with antioxidants and fiber that can play a key role in supporting your digestive health. 

Antioxidants can help support the gut’s microbiome and contribute to overall wellness, while the fiber aids digestion and helps to regulate bowel movements. These sweet berries make a delicious topping on your morning oatmeal, a refreshing addition to your lunchtime salads, or a quick, nutritious snack on their own.

3. Fennel

This aromatic plant, especially its seeds, has been used traditionally for various digestive issues, including bloating. Fennel seeds contain Anethole that may relieve GI spasms, offering relief from bloating. 

The seeds make a great addition to a variety of recipes, adding a hint of sweetness. You can also enjoy Fennel in the form of a soothing tea — a comforting ritual that your digestive system may thank you for.

4. Quinoa

Quinoa, a pseudocereal native to South America, is rich in fiber and gentle on the digestive system. The fiber content in quinoa aids digestion and helps maintain regular bowel movements, potentially offering some relief from bloating. 

Plus, it's a complete protein, adding to its nutritional value. Quinoa's versatility makes it a perfect base for your vibrant veggie bowls, a wholesome addition to your breakfast porridge, or a nutritious substitute for rice in your favorite dishes.

5. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea, with its invigorating aroma and soothing qualities, can be a source of relief for your digestive system. The compounds found in Peppermint oil may help soothe the gastrointestinal tract, potentially reducing bloating. 

Enjoying a warm cup of Peppermint tea after meals or whenever you need some digestive comfort could be a delightful way to help maintain a healthy digestive system.

6. Watermelon

Watermelon, renowned for its high water content, is refreshing and can support hydration and relieve bloating. Its natural sweetness and crunchy texture make it a summertime favorite. 

Whether it's diced up in a refreshing fruit salad, blended into a chilled smoothie, or enjoyed on its own, watermelon is a delightful way to support your body.

7. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk product that — like other fermented foods — is teeming with probiotics. These beneficial microorganisms can support a healthy gut environment, potentially aiding digestion and relieving bloating. 

The tangy, creamy taste of kefir makes it a fantastic base for fruit smoothies or a flavorful addition to your breakfast bowl.

8. Lentils

Lentils, part of the legume family, are packed with fiber, which helps support regular bowel movements and may help to maintain a healthier digestive tract. Despite their humble appearance, lentils are a nutritional powerhouse. 

You can put this versatile complex carb into a hearty soup, used to add a nutritional boost to salads or serve as a protein-packed side dish.

Each of these foods offers potential relief from bloating and fits perfectly into a balanced, nutritious diet. With the right food choices, we can better support our bodies and journey towards wellness.

Always listen to your body and its responses to different foods, as everyone's reactions may vary. Always consult a healthcare professional or nutritionist for persistent bloating or other digestive issues.

How Else Can You Support Your Digestive System?

While nutrition plays a crucial role in managing bloating, adopting a holistic approach to wellness can offer even more effective support for your body. This means harmonizing your eating habits with other healthy lifestyle practices. 

You may find that along with the right nutrition, incorporating regular physical activity and thoughtful supplementation can significantly help in your quest to tackle bloating. 

Physical activity can do wonders for your digestive health. Engaging in regular exercise helps stimulate the natural contraction of intestinal muscles, aiding in the movement and processing of food. Whether it's a brisk walk, yoga, or a high-intensity workout, find what works best for you and make it a part of your routine.

Alongside a balanced diet and regular physical activity, certain supplements may provide additional support for your digestive health. Our best-selling comfort and confidence formula, Detox + Debloat, helps to support your liver health, as well as relieve digestive discomfort based on traditional use. 

These tablets, with ingredients like Fennel, Milk Thistle, and Turmeric, have been crafted to help maintain a healthy digestive tract and support regular bowel movements. Remember, these tablets are a supplement to a balanced lifestyle, not a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise.

The Bottom Line

As we come to the end of our exploration into bloating and how to support our bodies, it's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. The journey to better digestive health and overall wellness is personal and unique for each of us. 

That's why at JSHealth, we advocate for a balanced, holistic approach to wellness, focusing on nourishing whole foods and a lifestyle that honors your body's needs. Take heart in knowing that with every meal, every step, and every mindful decision, you are empowering yourself and your body. And remember, we're with you on this journey. 

Embrace the ride, celebrate your progress, and remember to listen to your body – it's the most reliable guide you have. Here's to a happier, healthier you!


Problems with bloating? Watch your sodium intake | Harvard Health

Probiotics: What is it, Benefits, Side Effects, Food & Types | Cleveland Clinic

Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet | Mayo Clinic

Role of Food Antioxidants in Modulating Gut Microbial Communities: Novel Understandings in Intestinal Oxidative Stress Damage and Their Impact on Host Health | PMC

Peppermint Information | Mount Sinai - New York